Flavoured oils

A healthy gut is not just about probiotic cultures, permeability and a varied diet. It's also demonstrably about good mental health. And that's (unproven) helped by delicious food. End of the donkey bridge.

Oils not only for professionals

Herb oils are a thing that chefs in professional kitchens love to work with. If you like to cook at home and want to add something to your creations that would take your everyday home-cooked meal to the next level, pay attention.


We decided to produce aromatic oils by mixing or infusing wild herbs, woods and roots with a neutral oil. Each raw material requires special handling and technique to properly impart its flavour into the oil. We try different techniques and then choose the ones that suit us best and bring out the flavour of the plant used.

The oils are flavoured with herbs. We like to work mainly with wild ones, but we are not averse to domestic ones such as chives. We work with Czech nature and try to use mainly those species that are not so well known. We collect most of the herbs ourselves or take them from suppliers who supply us with untreated and organic raw materials.

We use rapeseed oil mainly because of its taste neutrality. In addition, rapeseed oil contains the most balanced ratio of omega 3, 6, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids of any oil on the market.

It's all about taste

Each of our oils tastes different and is suitable for different types of ingredients and ready meals. We deliberately create a library of flavours from which you can always take one and use it at the right moment. We'll guide you a little towards the right flavour combinations, but don't be afraid to experiment.

Oils in general are not sweet, sour or salty and when used correctly can enrich any dish with high aromatic notes. They are the kind of last-minute food perfumes that make any plate extraordinarily complex.