
Coldpress juices

Diversifying your drinking, like your food, is a good idea. And freshes fits in beautifully. If we use them properly, they will help us replenish well-absorbed vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Why coldpress?

Because it's the most gentle method of processing, it doesn't heat up the ingredients and leaves the most healthy things we want to keep in them.

We have a large American juicing machine that first roughly crushes the vegetables and fruit and then presses them into variously coarse bags. We can thus tune each ingredient separately, according to the amount of fibre, juiciness and processing required.

A few tips

  1. Drink more vegetables than fruit. You won't have sugar flying around and you'll get a lot more good stuff in you.
  2. Even though we have big packs, try to split the drinks. Sipping it will be better than sending it in all at once.
  3. Don't drink the same fresh stuff all the time. The key is to diversify. There are different substances in every vegetable, fruit and other raw material, they are absorbed differently. And you need all of them, even in smaller amounts.
  4. Alternate with other drinks. Ferments, water, light teas, kefirs, etc. There are experts who drink only freshe and think they will be the healthiest. Don't be an expert.

Why are they mostly in plastic?

After a lot of research, most of our freshies come in plastic bottles. It's not the final solution, but it's the best one for now. The reasoning behind it is:

  • transporting and storing glass is quite an environmental burden (tons of glass in trucks)
  • glass is fully renewable, but if it is not thrown into the right container, the burden is almost the biggest. The same goes for the aluminium cap.
  • Moreover, glass is now largely dependent on gas and we know how gas works now
  • plastic is not visually pleasing to us, but it is lighter, also more easily processed when sorted
  • plastic is also readily available and its transport and storage is significantly more environmentally friendly.
  • We regularly check in the lab to see if microplastics are being released into our drinks. So far we are OK, at least according to what can be measured.
  • We are considering cans for the future, they don't show the colours and sorting them is a struggle for us too.
  • It would be better to be able to bottle them in your containers, but we also take a lot of it to companies, events and other cafes, so that won't solve most of our problems

We want to improve it little by little and would welcome expert opinions and advice.

Place an order

For the office, cafes, events, gyms or even at home. We have a mobile app for this and we can deliver it the next working day morning. If you add another healthy drink or kimchi, it makes sense to drive across Prague with it.

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