The Real


Loads of people can’t stand kefir. If you’re one of them, then you should give it another try. Drinking kefir has so many benefits that it’s worth the effort. It’s basically the same story as with dill. You were most likely given a worse version of kefir as a child, and there’s even a good chance it wasn’t even real kefir at all.

It causes zero lactose intolerance

As much as 20% of Europe’s population suffers from lactose intolerance. And according to the amount of plant-based milk added to coffee, you’d think 95% of people in Prague have it. But we’ve got some good news for you: kefir is a fermented beverage. That means that the lactose (milk sugar) in kefir is broken down, and the fermented product also contains lots of bacteria and enzymes that support its proper digestion.

Just so we’re clear: lactose intolerance isn’t the same as being allergic to cow’s milk protein. If this is you, then, unfortunately, you can’t have any dairy at all.

Then why drink kefir?

1. it’s one of the most significant natural sources of vitamin D and calcium (the RDA is about 1000mg/100g of kefir). Calcium’s usefulness in the body is then around 7x higher in kefir than in plant-based sources.

2. it’s fermented – that means we mainly appreciate kefir for its content of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus, bifidobacterium), which we need for the proper colonisation of the intestines.

3. the flavour will take you back to the days of original, pure ingredients. This is a skill that we’ve greatly lost, and it makes sense to bring it back again.

So, jump on in

Regularly – and we’re not saying that because we want to get as much money from you as possible. You can usually buy good kefir at most supermarkets.

Unflavoured – or only with fresh fruit or honey, ideally added by you. Flavourings often contain hidden problems.

Slowly – don’t overdo it. Gradually incorporate kefir into your habits. See what it does to your appetite or how it pairs as a side dish for other meals.

Diversely – maintain a variety of dairy products, just as you wouldn’t eat celery as your only vegetable for the entire year. Combine sources, and give goat products a try.

And here we have it

One pure, lightly sour drink, perfect for gourmet meals or your preferred addition of fruit, vegetable, or even syrup. The second is already flavoured, so there’s nothing you have to do. We add whatever flavours we can find, which is always fun for us. Enjoy!